“And when they were gathered together, He commanded them: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss” Acts 1: 4.
This was the Lord Jesus giving a command to the disciples. It was not the first time He spoke about this gift of promise. In John 14: 16, Christ said “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper to help you and be with you forever”. In fulfillment of this promise, He released the Holy Spirit to the disciples on the day we call the day of Pentecost
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
He is the third in Trinity.
The God Head is made up of three beings. God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. The Trinity was displayed after the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible recorded that the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended like dove and rested on Jesus (God the son), while God the father spoke from heaven to confirm the Son Luke 3:22.
Moreover, before the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, he promised to send the Holy Spirit, because as children of God, we cannot live without Him. The Holy Spirit conveys the heart of the Father and Son. He is the best companion we can have on earth. He sees into our hearts, our past and future. He is always present to come to our aid. The Holy Spirit is needed by all children of God because of the very many duties he performs.
What are the Roles of the Holy Spirit?
The Spirit of God is our helper; He is the only one that can be with us always John 14: 16.
He is also our teacher, and He teaches us all things John 14: 26.
He empowers us, as all power in heaven and on earth belongs to the Lord Acts 1: 8.
He reveals God’s thoughts to us 1 Cor. 2: 11. No one can know the intent of God’s heart outside of His Spirit
He reveals the truth from the Father John 15: 26. The devil is a liar, and only God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
He guides us John 16: 13 -14.
He is the accord that binds us together I Cor. 12: 13. He loves and desires unity
He dwells in us 1 Cor. 3: 16. His dwelling in us sets us apart from the world. It gives us the ease of living according to His will
He releases Spiritual gift to us Joel 2: 28.
He convicts us of our sins John 16: 8. So we can make peace with God
He teaches us how to pray and prays for us Rom 8: 26
The roles and duties of the Holy Spirit cannot be underestimated. As children of God, we must be Spirit filled. Our life depends on the dictate of the Spirit and this is why we have chosen Him as our only Mentor at Family of Faith Chapel.